Archive for 2012

I’ve got a picture of us as sophmores

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

I’m in a sportcoat you’re in a stupor

So its been a fairly long while since I updated this. Again. I was really trying to update this more regularly but I seem to be doing a … not great job of that at all. All well.

So whats been going on in the last month and a half since I updated this? Well truthfully not that much. I went to Florida with the lady and had a fantastic time. I had a birthday and had a fantastic time aside from drinking entirely too much. I got new glasses and people seem to like them quite a bit. And I got the motorcycle out again.

Work continues to be work, probably always will be but thats ok. I continue to have high hopes that this year will be the year that I manage to get a new job that allows me to be actually interested in my job again. Also one that will allow me to continue down the path of my (current) 5 year plan. But I am not going to reveal what that 5 year plan is until I have taken the next step. Don’t want to put the cart before the horse and all of that.

Spring came very early this year to MN. Really sort of before we went down to Florida which was the very beginning of March. There were days in the70s up here in early March which is basically unheard of. Things seem to have calmed down a bit and gone back to what is considered more normal. And we are finally starting to get some rain again. Not enough really but it does lead me to believe that the drought that has been going since last July will finally end sometime before too long.

I have also been terrible about going to the gym again. Really since I have been back from Florida. There are worse things but I should really be working on getting fitter again. I don’t feel fat, just out of shape I guess. Then again, this entire past week I have been feeling …. less then phenomenal anyway. Not sure whether its dehydration, allergies (That would be a new one), lack of sleep or sickness. Or, I suppose, a combo of all of those things. Regardless last night was an early bed time (Sort of) and sleeping in late (for me) and it seems to have helped to some extent. Probably stay home tonight in the hopes that it will continue to get better. I certainly hope I am doing better by the time I fly out on Wednesday anyway.

Well thats about all of the news thats fit to print. So I think its time to take a trip to Moskau!

Oh, and I went ahead and updated the At the Moment section although its already outdated.

She cut me off

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

Just testing out embedding a youtube video. Doubt I will really do it muich at all but hey, good to try new things.

If being afraid is a crime

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

we’ll hang side by side

So I am down to a point where I am pretty much just biding my time and counting the hours. Of which there are either 5 or 7 left depending on how you count I suppose. So what possible better time could there be to update Idoru then that?

So I have received (very) limited feedback (Thanks Trevor!) about the idoru updates I made back in January sometime but hey, what I got was positive so I am rolling with it. That and I am just itching to blow all of the old stuff away for the hell of it really. In other words: This look is here to stay.

Hasn’t been a ton going on lately. Just trying to keep on keeping on. Lots of the daily detritus that seems to come up every year in February. Lease signing, taxes, annual raise (Yeah right) etc. Have the added advantage of having to renew my Drivers license soon as well. But the end result is that February is over (after this lovely leap day) and everything is more or less sorted out already.

Work continues to be work. I continue to look and am not enjoying my time underneath my new manager as she strikes me, heavily, as a micro manger. Hopefully sometime in Q2 things will go the way that I want them to go and I will find myself doing something that I enjoy quite a bit more. Or at least finding myself working under a different set of challenges so I am not quite as bored. But, as always, we will see.

I played through Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II recently. Very pretty game, but it is criminally short. If I had paid $60 I would have been absolutely pissed off but for $10 or so I can’t really complain. Seriously though, there are about 3 and a quarter environments in the game. Not entirely sure what LucasArts was up to with that but it doesn’t meet my quality metrics for being worth it, even though they fixed most of what was wrong with the first game.

Other then that… Not much popping right now. Then again, Why you at the bar if you ain’t poppin’ the bottles?

Catch you all in a week or two.