Do it up so big kid, where did you go?

We made you grow up, we show you the ropes.

So whats been doing in the pat few weeks since I updated this thing? That’s a pretty good question with a really boring answer. Mostly working and video games with occasionally getting stuff done and then other fun things.

I bought and beat shadow complex, I might run through it one or possibly two more times in an effort to get the last two achievements, the game was hardcore worth the $15 to play it. It brought back all sorts of crazy awesome memories, the same way that Braid did. Both classic awesome side scrolling games that I loved the shit out of. I highly recommend both of them to anybody with a 360 who isn’t a soulless monster. Other then that, my 360 has been getting some love for battlefield but I haven’t been keeping up with it. Just not terribly interested in it at the moment. I have been debating about using it more as a media center but I can’t use it for hulu or as a DVR, really just as a front end for netflix or anything I have already. So its a shitty solution. That said, I am leaning towards picking up a newer intel mac mini and some other things to turn that into a solid media center.

I have been making some lifestyle changes recently and after 6 weeks I think I am willing and able to talk about them some. I started working out again, lightly, about 6, maybe 7 weeks ago. So far I have lost 8 pounds and am in some of the better shape then I have been since I graduated school. Stopped drinking every day as well which I am sure helps a ton with the weight loss. Either way I am back down below 150# and that makes me pretty happy, A few more pounds and I will be around where I want to be and can trade around my work outs some more. Overall, I am feeling better then I have been feeling on a consistent basis in probably a year or two. Now its not some nutso work out where I am going to damage myself but I am happy that there has been some positive results and that I am feeling better. There have been some other changes as well that I am not quite ready to bring up (frankly I doubt they will ever be brought up here) but suffice it to say, I am healthy, happy and well on a variety of physical aspects.

Work has continued to be, well, work. They continue to give me paychecks and I continue to do whatever it is that I have to do that day to get the paycheck. I don’t really see that changing this year and I know it hasn’t in years, so I should really stop bitching about it since I haven’t really done much to change it. When I have gone looking for jobs it hasn’t been with the gusto I need to actually land one. There is a part of me that just feels burned out with the industry and another part that just feels burned out with what I am doing. Either way, I am starting to put myself in the correct frame of mind to find something I actually enjoy doing that will (or at least might) provide me with new and interesting challenges. So lets drop that subject.

I have started reading again, reading through the Omnivore’s Dilemma again and its having some major impacts on my eating habits the way it did the first time I read it. Highly recommend it for anybody looking to change their diets around or at least have any idea what the hell they are putting into their body. Also reading through Lucky You but it hasn’t managed to grab me and next up on my list is The Eight which was lent to me by my parents about a month ago. Supposed to be good so i am looking forward to it. After that its going to be something trashy I suspect just for pleasure.

Riding has continued to be a joy. I am at somewhere near 5,500 miles for this year which is more then normal but less then hoped for. Still I might manage to make it to 6 or 7k before the end of October I suppose. I suspect I will hit 6k actually, but we will see when the time comes. Since its all for pleasure rather then need its not something that I feel that I have to do.

Anyway kids, whats new with you?

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