Its odd but sometimes when I wake up in the morning I look over and see that my bedroom door is open and I flip out for a second until I finish waking up and realize that its not my apartment door, just the bedroom door. I suppose I could wonder if there is something too that or what but I prefer to think that its just my still asleep brain.

Needless to say this happened to me today. The older I get the harder it is for me to adjust to daylight savings time changes. I used to just snap to it but these days I drag for a bit. On the other hand I have been more productive this week in the evenings then normal so that’s something.

Work actually started picking up as of today. I spent 9 hours with my ass firmly planted in a chair working as opposed to my normal 5 hours or so a day sitting there, some of it killing time online. In some ways its nice in others it would have been nice to have gotten a bit more warning. However at least now I know that tomorrow is going to suck as well, so that’s warning. I don’t really mind working like that, it does provide me with some interesting puzzles but it is, at times, very aggravating. Especially when I am the only with a work load thats at all intense. Its not a love/hate thing instead its something more intense and faster cycling. Upsides and downsides.
I am not sure whether I am posting this to prove Jay wrong or whether its just a fringe benefit but he loses $30! To … um, somebody. That’s really about all I got with that particular topic so moving right along now.

I managed to get my computer fixed on the two aforementioned issues. One of the problems was caused by me forgetting to enable 1 thing. The other issue was due to the actual distribution itself. For some reason they used a crippled driver for my ghetto ass video card, so crippled in fact that it prohibited any rendering of, well, anything. Thankfully some poor sap who has more free time then myself managed to figure out a way around it and provided a patch. Open-source really can be incredibly for the win. It is also intensely lame at times. You just have to understand that going into it.

The next few issues I want to deal with are sending mail from my palm pilot, being able to post using this small piece of software without a title (actually going to experiment with that a bit soon) and getting a usb hub so that I can keep more then just my mouse and my palm jacked into this machine. Exciting times, let me assure you.

In unrelated news, its rather odd to open a package from a friend and the first thing you pull out is a piece of paper that is dealing with Haz-mat. Sure, I know she works in Haz-mat shipping and all of that jazz, but its intensely strange. Even odder when you know that its cookies that are inside it. That’s right, cookies. Hazardous to my waistline, but I can inhale them safely. Unless the Haz-mat sheet is correct. If it is i should be dead though.

I have also had this strange craving for bread pudding for the last day or two but I can’t find the recipe that I have had.

3 Responses to “”

  1. Jay Says:

    Nobody took my bet. I think that means…yup, it means you owe me $60.

  2. Farn Says:

    Don’t make me go edit your post.

  3. Lori Says:

    I assure you that the cookies will not hurt you.

    I have a recipe for Indian pudding….you want?