And then there was one…

The obvious answer is yes, I was. The unusual part is that I could afford to hold onto the car much past the time period where I should have let go. In fact, if you ask some people I should have let go several years ago, however even with buying another car there was no burning need to sell the paseo and I had, as previously described, an irrational emotional attachment to the car.

In a fit of rationality however I am now back to being a 1 car/1 bike household. Or I will be after tomorrow anyway, when the paperwork gets completed. It makes sense ultimately and I got more than I probably should have (what I am really saying there is that the Paseo wasn’t worth much from an objective standpoint). I also got to see the joy that a young lady has when she got her first car. It brought me back 14 years to when I bought that car and remembering just how excited I was. It would have been wrong to deny that to her in a lot of ways.

Besides, I sold it to a neighbour, there might be the chance to buy her back in a few years.

In other news about me…. I have clicked cookies entirely too much. As of right now, somewhere north of 15quadrillion cookies. In terms of sociological experiments this is probably the most fascinating to me. Its a ‘game’ that has no real point but is strangely addicting. The cost of entry is basically 0, just let it run and click cookies. Particularly the golden cookies. Get achievements. That’s it. Once I get the last few antimatter condensers I think I will reset and wipe my save and get the hell out while I still can.

I finished my class last weekend. All that’s left is paying for and taking the test. I have the money to do so but am waiting until October sometime in an effort to keep a little money around. Turns out buying a car was pretty damn expensive all around, both financially and emotionally. Regardless its all on me, $300 and a 150 multiple choice test. Have I ever told you that I hate multiple choice tests?

Getting back into the gym somewhat. Its not easy but I suppose it was never promised to be. In fact it explicitly is not easy, that’s why we call it work. I started swimming again, thinking back to when I was swimming competitively along with lifeguarding, teaching swimming lessons and helping coach a swim team. I was (comparatively) ripped. My stroke is coming back but the rest of it is not so easy. I have shit for endurance these days because its muscles I haven’t used consistently in years. Still, it will come….

Aside from that I have been looking into volunteering lately. There has been a certain emptiness in my life in a way. I am happy with the lady, work is work, I stay busy…. but I haven’t been feeling as though I am giving back lately. Or really for several years in fact, that has been a big contributor to my dissatisfaction with my job I think. It has probably also contributed to some of my more self destructive habits in a lot of ways. So I started thinking about things that really matter to me and the answer was actually kind of obvious. As somebody who isn’t interested in having children I get asked, often, what I am going to do when I am old. Who will take care of me? How will I survive? Unfortunately the truth of the matter is that simply having kids is no guarantee that they will take care of you for a variety of reasons. However it turns out there is a way to make the elderly have a better final few years. Friends of the Elderly seems to be right up my interests. Its either that or volunteer with Finnegan’s and I can’t get my schedule to work with their unfortunately.

So that’s life.

One Response to “And then there was one…”

  1. Trevnor the Resurgent Says:

    Yes! I too need to go to the gym regularly. It’s actually pretty fun once you get into the groove. Good luck on the test, I feel you there as I am trying to get back into grad school. A lot of studying. And good on you for considering volunteering. I recently starting giving to charity–because I’m lazy–but I think volunteering is at least as good, if not better. Take it easy, and enjoy the new car!