It’s like trying to drink whiskey from a bottle of wine

It’s been interesting sort of rejoining a different part of the internet than I have occupied fr a long time and also being unsure if I want to rejoin.

In other news, my trip to palm springs was pretty great. I totally understand why others (and myself) make a concerted effort to get away from MN for a time in the winter. Plus its pretty there in a way that it isn’t here.

A view from palm springs towards the mountains

I genuinely like MN, enough that I very happily bought a home here and continue to chose to live here. But the winters do get to be a bit much. This is probably also why I have a trip to Mexico booked.

One of the things that I am trying to do to make winter more bearable is winter biking. I was gifted a free (cheap) fat tire bike that will definitely need some work and components but at the same time it fulfills a few needs.

  1. It’s free
  2. It will be fun to work on
  3. I don’t care much what happens to it (see 1).
  4. I can ride it year round.

In terms of my house, I am still learning to live in it and honestly, having a lot of fun with it. We rearranged some furniture today and the living room feels better. More to be done for sure (for a long while probably) but its … honestly starting to feel like home in the right ways.

I have also rejoined the gym and OMG I have missed it. Talk about feeling good in the right ways.

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