I don’t want to take it too far

November 12th, 2022

but its out of my hands

Its interesting that I guess I am, slowly, coming back this. The upcoming death of twitter ( mixed feelings) has me thinking about a lot of things that have changed in how I communicate with the word at large and also with what the internet is, was, will be… I registered idoru just about 20 years ago (next month!) and a lot of things have changed in that 20 years. More good than bad on the balance of things and that’s a win.

But I really did lean into twitter, mostly on accident I think. It’s the only social media site that made sense to me intrinsically. Text has always spoken more to me than photo/video as a means of communication, because its what I am a better at. I enjoy taking photos, I enjoy … ok never mind about video but I can spit out a pithy sentence easily and be happy with it. The death of twitter means a lot of things and maybe I will write a longer form thing about it, who knows. If so I will probably cover

  • elon and how he sucks
  • why twitter worked
  • why mastodon isn’t the future (i think)
  • what it would take to save twitter
  • what *could* be a replacement

But the reality is that all of that has been covered by many people, including many people who are much smarter than me. But, suffice to say that the world isn’t better because muskrat is in it.

Oh, yeah also I did buy a house a move and whatever. Its kind of fun.

And My Name Is Juggernaut

August 16th, 2022

I don’t know that I will ever go back to blogging regularly, I kind of doubt it in many ways. Honestly it feels, for the most part, like the era of personal blogs is over. And of course there are the various privacy concerns that come with broadcasting your life into the ether. Its one of the many reasons I strive to maintain a low profile and while I shitpost a fair bit, I don’t exactly have takes that are so blistering that they garner much attention on twitter (with the exception of one earnest tweet actually).

Obviously a lot of things have changed in my life however and it can be worth it to journal even if its nothing more to get thoughts out of the head and onto paper (so to speak).

Probably the biggest change that’s upcoming is purchasing a house. After I bought the condo I wasn’t sure that I would ever subject myself to this process again but hey, here I am. In about a month I will be moved and done with all of the initially difficult things. What’s really remarkable to me this time around is how much smoother everything has gone. I am not sure whether I know more things than I used to, have more cash than I used to (OK that’s definitely true), or just … not worried? I dunno, I am mostly viewing it the same way I view anything else. Here is a project, lets manage the shit out of it and see what we have for milestones and metrics. I guess the biggest difference is that at THIS point nothing can really change on the timeline. Ready or not here it comes.

Not sure that there is all that much else of interest going on currently. Work, dating, house, planning a vacation. There you go.

Nothing can stop me now ’cause I just don’t care

June 2nd, 2022

Well talk about a long time no see situation. A million changes and a million little improvements translate to a hell of a different world. But somehow, I always end up coming back here.

Obviously not been active here in years and I doubt I will be again for the foreseeable future but on the off chance I got everything updated, tidied up, got rid of some cruft, etc. Seems I really am an organizer and I can’t change that even if I want to. Which is fine since I don’t really want to change something like that honestly.