Archive for 2008

Shit happens but I’m calm in a shit storm

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Its just normal, what you think I balled up a fist for?

So lets kick this off from the beginning I suppose. Last week was primarily quiet, went out a few times, once for work the rest for pleasure but more on that in a few sentences. On Monday at work I decided that it would be fun to beat Gears of War (finally) so I started working through it again and nailed another act or two. Tuesday was similar, with a few breaks for tv and similar activities.

Wednesday I took a break from video games and went out for a goodbye happy hour for my boss. I am really going to miss reporting through him but I still don’t blame him for leaving. After the happy it was home sweet home to take care of some things around here, all good and normal. Oddly around 3 in the morning I woke up and had a very hard time getting back to sleep. Not sure why but that trend did continue the next night although less severely. Sometimes these things happen I guess. So aside from not sleeping well on Thursday night I also beat Gears that night. Overall the game was pretty good and certainly worth the $30 or so I spend on it used. Friday night I went out to Liquor Lyle’s with a buddy, a pretty good time. Didn’t end up getting home until the wee hours and frankly that was great. The rest of the weekend was here and there pretty much, good to recharge my batteries.

Work… well its still work. Tomorrow is the first day without the actual boss so I am not entirely sure whats going to change but I have some ideas and am pretty sure that at least some of the gloom and doom will come true. For me it just means that I need to continue looking for a new job because I quite honestly don’t see the prospects that I used to. That might change and if it does I hope it happens before I find a new job but I won’t expect the changes I want. At least I have this coming Friday off from work even if most people don’t know it. That should give me some real time to recharge my batteries if I actually end up using it that way. Who knows, no plans for it yet.

Speaking of plans, I really should start trying to figure out what I am going to do for thanksgiving. I have an invite to my sister’s place that I don’t think is going to end up happening for various reasons. In the end I might just end up with a nice quiet day here and some takeout or something I guess. Not really bothered by it truth be told, for me the real celebration happens that evening anyway.

So as I mentioned earlier, I beat Gears of War this week. Overall I would rate the game a solid B+ I think, its certainly the best pure third person shooter that I can remember playing but its a pretty empty genre so take that with a grain of salt. It was worth $30 to me and the end boss was certainly difficult. Not sure whether or not I will pick up the second one but I did start in on insane difficulty and its aptly named. I am also interested in Fallout 3, fable 2, left 4 dead, and a slew of other games. I will almost assuredly wait for the moment but I do see at least some of these entering my collection before the end of the year.

Regarding the site, I suspect that I am going to renew it. Might not I suppose but I really doubt it. No real plans in keeping it in place but I don’t think that I am quite ready to let it lapse. I still get something out of it although I can honestly say that I am not always sure what that something is. But I am sure that I will come up with whatever it is. If I do that means that I should really implement a few things I have considered now and again though. Its already outdated might as well clean it up if I keep it.

There are other things going on in my life at the moment but I will be damned if I can think of them to comment. So have a video and its one I am sure that not too many of you have seen.

Bring me the head of whoever said “play fair”

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

I want to sit in my chair and wear a blank stare / Fuck being king of the hill / When the music dies you’ll be the first one the villagers kill

Sometimes perhaps the lyrics I use to start these ramblings do in fact mean something, although most of the time its only to me. Admittedly I have never been entirely sure how much my music choice affects my mood versus how much the my present mood affects my music choices. But that’s a rambling for myself at a later date I think.

So lets play a little catch up, which will be rather short I imagine as I intend to skip over all the boring parts. Halloween I didn’t work so instead I went for a lovely ride. Mostly just cruising around, went south to Northfield among other places. The next day I went to a party in Duluth for Halloween, sure it was a day late but it seemed like fun. On Monday my car stereo broke over my lunch break, tons of fun there. Tuesday I voted and then worked until almost 8 pm. But more on the election in a little bit. After I got home from work I realized that my computer monitor had died so I got to begin dealing with that as well. So Friday I got out of work and went to circuit city, ended up with a nice big shiny 22″ monitor that I got to play with some that night before crashing out. Saturday was more work, seeing a friend, followed shortly by going over to one of my three favorite bars in the world. There is something to be said for a bar where you know everybody. Today I was up nice and early and took care of things before trekking back to circuit city to replace my car stereo. Ended up with a pioneer unit that looks rather nice but isn’t quite as nice as I thought it was going to be. Still worth the money and it has some features that my previous units haven’t had. Overall its nice to have things back to normal: computer in good working order, music while I drive, etc.

Work has been interesting and long recently. This week was about 56 hours worth of work but I have a feeling that is steadily going to climb, thankfully they are paying me extra for some of the work so I am doing good there. My boss announced his resignation this week, which I knew of ahead of time so I mostly watched other people’s reactions. Some of them were very pedestrian and boring and a few people were more interesting. There were a few where I could see the wheels turning already which amused me as I already thought through a lot of the same things. Now I just need to decide whether or not I want to apply for his job. Most likely I will apply although there is no guarantee that I will get it and there will certainly be some people ticked off at me if I do get offered the job. Win some lose some I suppose.

Speaking of winning and losing… the election, well, it was an election. Some of it I am happy with and some of the results disappoint me a great deal. Mostly I am happy that the election is over, everywhere except for MN anyway. We still have a heated recount going on between Al Franken and Norm Coleman for a senate seat. Means still no watching the news here for me. I have met both of the candidates personally a few times (although I rather doubt either of them remember it) and overall… well lets just say I am waiting for it to be over. And yes, in view of earlier posts I am aware of the irony that the election is only still going on here.

Upwards and onwards to different things, I have finally started to get used to daylight savings time. I understand its purpose and everything, hell it even does save electricity in my own experience although I have managed to get sick of the darkness already. Seems I am seeing the daylight less and less already. By Thanksgiving I imagine that it will be only during lunch time but hey, you get used to it. Or something. However the darkness does give me plenty of time to catch up on videogames, reading and so forth. Seems I have acquired quite the backlog all the way around and figure that I should be all caught up around the time spring finally comes around so I can begin the system again.

In terms of site news, well I still haven’t made a decision. I don’t always feel a compulsion to write although I do at times feel almost obligated to write even when there isn’t much going on. I have begun mentally working on a project for this site. Really its a throwback to something I haven’t done in a few years. I rather doubt that too many people will see it but its something I, at the moment, feel like doing so its worth it. I suppose its tied into some of the mental work I have been doing lately. Nothing too heavy but I have certainly been giving a bit of thought to some things recently.

Speaking of thinking, I found this article fascinating. Its certainly got a few things that I wonder a little bit about but a lot of it makes a great deal of sense. Sort of the same way that this article tells me a lot of things I already knew and expect.

Well that’s about that she wrote for the moment. Enjoy a very special music video.

I guess y’all got bored with the good old days

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Like there ever really was any anyways

So we have some rather serious catch up to do and since I am broke and busy now seems like as good a time as any. Apparently I only try to update this when I don’t actually have the time to do so. there are a few odd events covered in here but you have to actually read, or at least skim, to find them.

So lets start a while ago… I guess around 2 weeks give or take. Actually we might as well fast forward a little bit since I don’t have the foggiest idea what I was doing during that work week. That Thursday, the 16th, I went out with a friend and had a few drinks. Friday I wasn’t working in anticipation of going riding but the weather was shit so I ended up taking care of a lot of stuff around the house.

Saturday was a ride followed by a friends birthday party in downtown Minneapolis. Got to see a few friends and relax. When I left there I turned the corner just in time to see a guy on a bike get hit by a car and go down. So I ran up there and got to put my former first aid skills to good use. Or at least use. It was a reminder about riding and intensely surreal. I started that day on a motorcycle and ended it by taking care of an injured motorcyclist. Even more surreal is kneeling in an intersection in downtown with flashing lights all around and having cops and the like thanking me. Especially since I smelt a bit like beer. Very surreal and threw me for a loop. Didn’t get to bed until well after 1 am. Sunday was a pretty standard and quite day. Lots of internal processing. FYI, he will be ok.

This work week was busy but not terrible. Monday night I had to go to bed early because the city was turning the water off completely in MPLS, or at least my corner of it. So early bed, late to rise makes for a good day. The rest of the week up until Thursday was intentionally quiet, catching up on emails, phone calls and other forms of communications because on Thursday I was dropping my car off to get the shocks and struts replaced. So Wednesday it was early to bed and early to rise, out of the house by 6 am to drive to the north burbs. Drop it off, grab my rental and head to work. partway through the day I get a call saying that my shock mounts were completely shot and they had to overnight some parts. Fun and exciting. So Thursday night was watching “The Wild One” on my 360 after having it for … a few years actually. Had forgotten what a classic Brando movie it is.

Today I got up, went to work and got ticked off. Stupid things just adding up. Had a decent meeting, which is good I suppose that I was wearing a sport coat for a change. Actually got a few compliments from various people. But anyway a bunch of crap ticked me off and I ended up weaseling a half day out of work even though I already worked more then 4 hour hours. Whatever. Went and picked the car u and paid a painful sum (here’s a hint, over a grand) although it is driving nicer and is safer. After that it was crap around the house combined with finding out that my cousin’s million $ baby is deaf. Bit of a surprise as while all number of medical issues run through our family hearing issues are normally, as in my case, self inflicted. There is a meeting with ENT next month to find out more and confirm but its pretty damn likely. Over all its a bit odd and there are still a number of things in my head concerning it. Damn Churchill babies…

Anyway tonight I am headed to a friends house in about an hour for dinner and maybe a movie or something. Not entirely sure.The rest of the weekend is currently open although I need to sit down with my finances and seriously figure them out for a change. been working on making sure I have the money available for a few different trips I have semi planned over the next 9 months. Should but it never hurts to make sure.

Now that the catching up is done, work is stressful but not bad. ok, at times, like today, its bad. But it could be worse and i am still employed which I sometimes need to remind myself. Every now and again I consider a second job at a liquor store or something partially for kicks, partially for discounts and partially for money. Not yet though.

Politically… I am really glad that the election is almost over. Sicker then I can say of all the smear ads and everything else going on. Just fucking end it already.

picked up Gears of war recently. Its an interesting game. Splitting time between that and Mass Effect works out well since they are very different games. Takes a few minutes to adjust to the switch every time though.

Other then that… Not much going on. Mostly intentionally. I seem to have already started hunkering down for the winter intentionally yet without really realizing it ahead of time. So time to hop in the shower and not hunker down for the night.