Photo op is priceless

Frame my wanted posters

So another long time between updates but at least this time I honestly meant to update earlier then this… it just didn’t work out due to being busy.

So a few qquick items: Lasik didn’t happen. I had a shift in priorities that week and since I had been iffy about it anyway… easy enough to put it off since its a lot of money for something I am not positive I want at this point. That does mean that I should buy a new pair of glasses at some point soon though. Still I put my bike up prior to making that decision and it seems to have been the right choice. Its gotten chilly here in MN anyway.

So what have I been doing with my newfound free time now that I ma not riding for the year? Well, netflix is the easy answer. Reading, traveling, computer and a small side of video games.

I restarted reading the Gunslinger series for no real reason other then that I was going to need something to read in the plane and man, I really think that Gunslinger is the best book of the series. The other ones are good but I really do believe that King did his best work with the first book. You can basically watch Clint Eastwood chasing the man in black in your minds eye. This is the sort of thing that makes me even more worried about the upcoming (rumoured) live action show that they have planned for HBO next year. I am also curious to see what King is going to do with Volume 8 which is supposed to drop next year.

Speaking of the plane, I flew out to DC with the lady for a long weekend since she had to be out there for work. 4 nights, 3 hotel beds etc. Still it was a great time. Friday Is pent wandering around the air and space museum and got to see all sorts of amazing (to me) things. Glorious Glennis (the Bell X-1 that Yaeger broke the sound barrier in) the spirit of St. Louis, the wright brothers flyer, the Apollo 11 command module along with Gemini 6 and Mercury 7, Gene Cernan’s moon suit, Gurgarin’s suit when he went up, etc. Truly for all of the times that I have gone to DC… I missed out in never having stopped by the Smithsonian prior to that day. Highly recommended, especially if you are a air or space geek like I am. Saturday we drove out to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware and had a relaxing night away from everything. I left my phone behind most of the time and that was nice. I did spend a little too long in the hot tub though. After getting lost on our way back to DC and driving around the peninsula for a while we made it back to DC and had a fairly quiet night. Then Monday it was flying back here. Over all a very successful vacation no doubt about that. We are already tentatively planning our next vacation for sometime this winter.

Speaking of the lady, things are going very well. I have never been in a relationship with somebody were we have traveled so well together which is pretty fantastic in its own right. Plus we just work well together. Sometimes her schedule bugs me since we don’t get to see each other as much as I might like but overall things are pretty phenomenal. And thats enough about that.

Work… its the busy as hell season for me. Lots of overtime available for me if I want to take it but thats not the main focus for me. So far actually its much less stressful for me then it was last year which is also fantastic. My big OT push starts tomorrow and there goes the majority of my time available for whatever. Still, its going fast and overall its a good thing. While I would still love a job that I am actually passionate about… at least I have one. And a paycheck is fairly important no matter how you slice it.

So… Battlefield 3. Its a good game although I find myself fairly frustrated most of the time that I play it. Particularly if I am playing solo. I will finish up the single player (maybe even this weekend) and I want to finish up the co-op missions with NutsySeph but I am thinking that I probably won’t drop the hours into multi that I did with BF:BC2. Its fun and all but unless I can play with friends I find myself much less interested. And its hard as hell to work our schedules out between Korea, Colorado, MN, and DC for any of the people that I play with at all regularly. I also have to wonder though how much of it is just my general slightly waned interest in video games. I figure its playing at least some part. That said there are some games I am looking forward to playing in the future: Arkham City, Assassins Creed Revelations, GOW3 for cheap. Actually that might be it. The other part is that I have noticed that my arthritis (or whatever it is in my hands, carpal tunnel perhaps) is acting up lately so its a bit harder to play video games. Surprisingly enough though typing is easier.

One other thing that I have started doing (again really) is working out. Hoping I can maintain at least 3-4 days a week at the Y. Between the elliptical, weights, swimming etc its just a damn good idea it seems. Hopefully it will help keep me energetic through the winter anyway since I have noticed flagging energy for the last week. I need to get myself back into a more trim shape and generally just more fit. It won’t be easy but its damn worth it. If I keep with it anyway, otherwise its just temporary pain for no real gain.

Thats probably enough rambling and more then I needed to do today on here but its … well its whatever I guess. So as I think about getting some holiday shopping done this year, just remember that the first of the year is coming up.

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