I wanted to leave you

completely pleased

So…. Its been a busy life recently. Busy as fuck in fact. Painfully busy. But all of that is behind me now which I appreciate.

Lets see, 11/12 was the last time I updated this. What has happened since then? I worked. Like gangbusters. Today is in fact my first day completely off since shortly before that last post. Irony being that I couldn’t sleep in after going to bed kinda early and being so used to getting up early every day. So I was still up by 6:30 or so and drinking coffee before 7. The good news out of all of that is extra money which will help finance a trip to somewhere warm this winter. Maybe Mexico, perhaps Argentina, Florida is a possibility. All I know is that in February or March I am heading somewhere nice for a few days at least dammit. I could use it. The other part of it all is that I am back to being without a boss which is pretty crap. I swear I go through managers the way that some people go through girlfriends. Crappy time of year for it to happen but so be it, I am still hoping that I will get a new job before too long. Unfortunately the economy still makes that difficult at best.

Things with the girl are going fairly well. Haven’t seen her in a while as she hasn’t doing the greatest health wise recently but she seems to be on the mend. We were supposed to celebrate our christmas this past week but actually her health got int he way of that so next week now. Mostly just looking forward to her being healthy again. Crappy time of year to be unwell to say the least.

I have been putting in the time on Battlefield 3 recently and have, at the end of the day, mixed emotions about it. Its great that they give you reasons to play the different modes. But I hate some of the modes (Squad deathmatch I’m looking at you!). Its great that they are trying some different things but they don;t work (Conquest assault). So much of the game is really well done but at the same time…. ungh. I dunno, I am sure i will keep putting the time in but sometimes its just goddamn painful to play. Part of that though is my tendency to play solo which makes it a much harder game. Also, I wish i could fly a vehicle to save my life in that game.

Tomorrow is when I get to do all of my Christmas stuff with family. On the one hand looking forward to it because I like my family. On the other hand… not that interested in most of my extended family. All well, whatever I guess.

I think I am going to go shower and find something to do for a while today. Maybe buy some beer or something. Spend some time disconnected for a few hours before I go back to battlefield.

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