“what do you want from life?”

question asked; message sent
delivered by her tone

So happy almost memorial day weekend. Its kind of nice to have the today off as well as the upcoming 3 day weekend. In truth part of the reason that I have today off is because it means I won’t be going into the office for 6 straight days even though I will be working 2 of them. There are some definite advantages to work from home….

The other reasons I have today off, as a last minute thing, is that it gives me a chance to get a bunch of stuff done that I have been meaning to get done. Combine that with feeling less then stellar yesterday and today even and not working today is a fantastic idea.

I know its been a while since I have updated this. In fact its been since before I went to DC. I went out there in mid April with the lady friend and it was a fantastic trip. Got to do lunch with a buddy of mine Jay, went to lunch another day with Louis and his girlfriend. Made some new (temporary) friends, got to see some museums, spend time with the lady… it was, overall, just exactly what I needed and wanted. Hopefully we will be able to take another trip together before too long.

One of the things that I am doing today with my time off is getting my car worked on. Not real exciting but as my car hunt hasn’t gone exactly stunning it still makes sense to keep my car up and running. And it is time to get a timing belt done since its overdue. One of the other parts of all of that is my … lack of driving. I seriously have driven somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500 miles since January 1st. At this extremely low rate of driving… Its different. And now that the summer is here I am riding the bike more often as well which drives my mileage even lower. Its impressive in a way. Screw hypermiling, I’ll do conservation through no mileage!

the job hunt is still continuing but it feels more positive then it did last year. My name is definitely out there more and I have a few directions that I am willing to step in since they would all help me progress towards my next milestone goal which I am keeping under wraps for now.

My parents just recently got back from a 3 week trip to Europe. It reinfected me with the travel bug but I still suspect that this year is going to be stateside trips. Between wanting to go a few places with the lady, the multiple trips to Colorado and the fact that I only have 2 and a half weeks of vacation that I have to use for the rest of the year… Stateside or close to it seems like the most sense. Particularly if I get a new job.

Finally…. coming up close to the cup! So far the #NJDevils are doing good and I am damn happy with them. I have a feeling that whoever wins the east (Devils or Rangers) will have a really good shot at winning the cup over the Kings.

And I think thats about all for right now. It certainly catches everything thats going on in my life recently. Regardless, Good Night and Good luck.

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