No Kings Ever


So its been a loooong time. And its been a good time for the most part. Lots of things, both good and bad, have been going on but for the most part I would call it positive more then negative.

June was… fairly quiet I suppose. The Bike went into the shop for something I don’t really want to talk about (and some people know, others don’t). July 4th I went down to Madison and visited with Trevnor the destroyer for an extended weekend away from everything. In my Dads car no less, but more on that later. Then towards the middle of the month the ladyfriend and I went down to Palm Springs, CA. Talk about a relaxing 5 day trip. Turned out I needed that since thats about the time I discovered that I wasn’t going to be getting the job I had hoped for, but more on that later too. Then in the beginning of this month I went out to Colorado Springs to see Andy and stuff. Supposedly it was to see him before he got married but since he jumped the gun and got hitched in June that wasn’t exactly how it worked out. He was working part of the trip but it was still nice to go out there… Got to see some other friends and, well the Springs have some good beer too.

So the car thing that I promised to talk more about… My Dad has been toying around with the idea of selling me his car for a bit over a year now. I should know within the next month whether he will do it anytime soon. If he does, then awesome, I get a car I like with low miles that is enjoyable to drive. And my car situation is solved. Kind of a “We will see what happens” situation but my fingers are crossed. Otherwise I am back to looking for something I want to drive. Unfortunately most car manufactures aren’t making a ton of cars that I like (or are practical enough for an only car in Minnesota) so my choices are pretty limited. We shall see on that front.

Regarding the work stuff…. I had the potential of getting a job this summer that I was really jazzed about. But it fell through, apparently due to location at least partially. Combine that with the fact that they just did a rather major reorg this past week that puts some jeopardy to my job after the first of the year and I am worried. And looking even harder then i was previously. Not entirely sure whats going to happen but hopefully good things. Particularly since I have been looking at buying a condo next spring sometime and I would like to have a bit more stability to my income then it feels like I am going to have right now. So everybody cross your fingers and let me know if something seems promising (and can hire me in MN).

One of the reasons I have been looking at buying a Condo (or something similar) is because I am tired as hell of my trashy neighbors. Apparently all manor of trashy activities are going on, literally, on the other side of my wall. So between that and the fact that I am starting to get older and want to start getting more for my money I have been toying with the idea of buying a condo more seriously then previously. It matches my needs and desires way better then a house and I still get something for it. Equity at least. Lease is up at the end of June and, if I am feeling secure enough with my income, hopefully I am spending June moving into a new home.

Things with the lady are still excellent. Except for one thing: her birthday is coming up in a few short weeks and I already had to return the bigger present that I had bought for her. So now I am at a loss as to what the hell tog et her for her birthday. I honestly have no real idea. Hopefully I can come up with something and hopefully I can do it soon.

I could talk a lot about the political situation right now but I don’t even know where to start. The election cycle is so seriously fucked up that I don’t really know that I want to talk about it anyway, there enough said.

As another aside, I really have pretty much stopped playing video games. I think other then the Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD Remix, I haven’t played anything (not counting in Colorado or Madison) since the beginning of June. My 360 has really become a netflix machine more then anything else. I just picked up the newest Assassins Creed, Arkham City and Deus Ex.: HR from amazon so we will see whether any of those manage to get me back into video gaming at all. Particularly with the fact that the lady is going to be fairly busy over the coming months. I kinda hope they do but at the same time… multiplayer seems to be fairly dead among my friends and I due to scheduling more then anything. Its weird but that might just be it… I might not buy whatever the next generation of consoles is. Too early to say one way or another I suppose. I did get a nook simple touch (for free) and lately I am finding a lot more satisfaction in reading then I am in movies or games. That might be part of it I suppose. I read like 6 books in Palm Springs alone.

trying to think whether there is anything else to really talk about and drawing blanks. So I guess I should just leave you all with another music video,

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